Sunday, November 02, 2008

Ending Orphanages Globally

Hi! Orphans International Worldwide's website is at We have Wikipedia and FaceBook pages as well. My own FaceBook page is available, in addition to LinkedIn and Twitter. I wrote a piece last fall for the New York Times on OI, and there was a BBC story as well - both of which Google will take you to.

For kids who are completely rejected by their own communities their will be group homes such as in the U.S., much like OI (or SOS) small homes today.

I personally have an adopted son who joined me when he was ten months old - now a teenager out on his own for Halloween (now THAT is scary!). Adoption -- domestic or international -- can be a wonderful thing. It is not what OI is involved with. There are many outstanding adoption agencies. I personally feel they are too expensive, and would like to see at least one operate at cost.

In these difficult economic times, I may soon add a paying job to my busy roster with a NYC-based children's agency. My domestic perspective may broaden shortly! Thank you so much for commenting. - Jim
About Poverty
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work you are doing. I work with some aids infected children in Romania orphange but mostly children living in slums/ ghetto's
in Romania. If you would like to check us out
Bill Huxley